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South Bay Homeschool Network

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South Bay Homeschool Network offers a support network for ALL families homeschooling their children in or around the South Bay area of Los Angeles. Membership dues are not required to join our forums or park days. We hope to create an environment where homeschoolers can meet, exchange ideas, and build relationships.

We offer many different ways to connect with other homeschoolers. You may join our online forums and/or attend park days, events and field trips posted in those forums. You may also create the activities you want and share them through the network with other homeschoolers.

Within our network there are families with many different views on parenting, religion and politics. There are independent homeschoolers and families who have joined different public and private school programs. We are a very diverse group. Everyone is welcome. Our Fine Print page describes how our group works.



SBHN maintains a Facebook group to facilitate community discussion, announcements and planning. This Facebook group is for families homeschooling their children in the South Bay and surrounding areas. No advertising or business promotion are allowed on the Facebook group, and members of schools, religious groups and other homeschool groups are kindly asked to refrain from recruiting there. 

SBHN Facebook Discussion Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/SouthBayHomeschoolNetwork/

Never been to a park day? We may not know you, so if your profile is set to private, you may need to check your "other" Facebook mailbox for correspondence from us before you are added.

To understand how SBHN functions, please read our Fine Print Page.


Park day is every Wednesday starting at about 1pm and running to around 4pm (often later). A list of weekly locations is posted on the Facebook group at the beginning of every month by the park day host. We are usually easy to spot -a largish group with school age kids hanging out at the park in middle of the day! Bring a chair or blanket, lunch or snacks if you like, and join your fellow homeschool families for a relaxed afternoon of play and talk. All ages are welcome.

You will find the address and a description of all parks here.